23 September 2009

Passcode Lock Now utility

>Recently, I wrote an entry "Protect your iPhone/iPod touch with Stronger Password".
Many of us use passcode lock timer to let us eliminate re-enter the passcode even when iPhone/iPod touch has been locked in very short period.
When you leave your iPhone/iPod touch alone, someone could see your important information without passcode.

I wrote "PasscodeLckNw (Passcode Lock Now)" utility that puts iPhone/iPod touch immediately into passcode locked.

PasscodeLckNw (Passcode Lock Now) (build #001 2009-09-22) [Download]

How to install:
  • It can not be installed from App Store, sorry.
  • Copy above kit to home direcotry of mobile user of iPhone/iPod touch by your favorite method.
  • Log-in to iPhone/iPod touch and become root (by "su" command).
  • Extract the kit at /Applications/ folder. The example command is;
    cd /Applications/ ; unzip ~mobile/PasscodeLckNw-001.zip
    A directory /Applications/PasscodeLckNw.app/ will be created.
  • Let iPhone/iPod touch recognize the application by using "respring" command or reboot.
Implementation note:
  • This is a shell-script application.
  • It restarts SpringBoard process by using "killall". That is a quicker way to lock the iPhone/iPod touch than rebooting.
[Japanese version]

22 September 2009

Easily Take a Note on Snow Leopard/Leopard

With Notes on iPhone/iPod touch (MobileNotes.app), you can take a note easily and quickly.

On Mac OS X, Notes function of Mail.app is not so quick.
You have to open the Mail, and then call New Note from File menu.
You want to take a note, but you have to open the Mail app, is not intuitive.
So, I made an utility to start taking a note with one click.
If you are using Note Sync with iPhone/iPod touch, this brings synergy.
It is very basic AppleScript applet.
Follow the steps to make it.
  • Open [Applications] -> [Utilities] -> [AppleScript Editor].
  • Copy and Paste following code into AppleScript Editor window.
    tell application "Mail"activate
    end tell
    tell application "System Events"
    l process "Mail"
    click the menu item "New Note" of the menu "File" of menu bar 1
    -- click the menu item
     "新規メモ" of the menu "ファイル" of menu bar 1
    end tell
    end tell
  • Push [Run] button to test the script. You will see the Mail.app is open and new note window is appeared.
  • Then, do [File] -> [Save as], with "New Note" as file name, and specify [Application] for [File Format].
  • Place the "New Note" icon created into Dock.
To change the icon of "New Note";
  • Save the image at the upper right.
  • Open the image with Preview app.
  • Do [Edit] -> [Select All] or .
  • Do [Edit] -> [Copy] or .
  • Select "New Note" on Finder and do [File] -> [View Info] or .
  • Click the icon on the "New Note Info" window.
  • do [Edit] -> [Paste] or . Then the icon is replaced.

Grid layout of Snow Leopard Exposé ; wrong decision

Grid layout of Exposé on Snow Leopard (with about 60 windows)
Flexible layout of Exposé on Leopard (showing famous 150 window) - There are 2.5 times many windows, but easily distinguish each of them.
The Layout mode of Exposé is changed from Flexible to Grid on Snow Leopard (Mac OS X 10.6).
I like flexible layout of Leopard or Tiger (10.5/10.4).
I think grid layout has following disadvantages.
  • The size of all window will be same. So you can not easily find them.
    For example, large Safari window and tiny Sticky window will have the same size. You can not distinguish which window is Safari and another is Sticky at once.
  • The information "window size" will be dismissed.
  • There is no meaning on Grid itself.
    Grid layout is seems to be smart, but original window layout is analog, and is not aligned each other.
  • Anyway, Grid layout is not fun compared to Flexible layout.
I want original Flexible layout comes back in future.

[Japanese version]